VPN Site to Site Fortigate to Mikrotik

Mikrotik Side 

1.       Create a NAT accept rule between the internal LAN and remote LAN:

2. Open IP > IPSec.
Go to Proposals TAB and create a new proposal profile:

Go to Policies TAB. Create a New Policy, fill in Source LAN and Destination LAN:

On the Action TAB fill Source Address with the Mikrotik WAN Address and Destination Address with the Fortigate WAN IP. Check Tunnel Mode. Select the Proposl created previously:

Go to Peers TAB and create a new IPSec Peer.
Address: fill in the Fortigate WAN IP.
Secret: the Pre-Shared Key (password)
Make the rest of the settings as in the image below:

Next step, configure the Fortigate

Go to VPN and create a new Tunnel, with Custom – Static IP Address settings:

Now, we need to create the Firewall rules to accept:
Rule 28: traffic from Fortigate LAN to go to Mikrotik  interface to the LAN
Rule 37: traffic from LAN Mikrotik to Internal Fortigate LAN
Static Routing

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